Naturally, a massage has positive effects.
But what exactly makes us enjoy a massage so much?

A happy feeling

Have you ever heard of the “cuddle hormone”?
This hormone really exists! Oxytocin is produced by prolonged contact with the skin. Initially, the hormone is produced by cuddling, but it is also produced by touch during a massage. The production of the cuddle hormone gives you a safe and pleasant feeling. That is why you leave the massage table with a “happy” feeling.

Get rid of the stress

During the massage, the world stands still for a moment. You can let go of everything you do during your busy daily life. This is made possible because a massage lowers the production of cortisol, the stress hormone. In addition, the cuddle hormone also has an effect on your stress hormone. Your stress level will not only drop during a massage because you take a moment of rest, but also because your cuddle hormone is produced. Consequently, a double positive effect!

Boost your immune system

A massage has a direct effect on your physical health.
Due to the firm friction, you activate the blood circulation in your body during a massage. This better blood circulation ensures that waste products can be removed more easily. It also improves metabolism so that your body can recover faster and your skin gets more oxygen. Your skin will become smoother and you will glow. Furthermore, a massage even changes the composition of your blood. You will produce more white blood cells, making it easier for your body to get rid of germs.

Sleep right

It sometimes happens that you fall asleep during a massage…
Direct proof that a massage improves your sleep.
Not only do you fall asleep faster because you are completely relaxed, but you also sleep more deeply. Since sufficient sleep is necessary to feel good about yourself, a good night’s sleep after a massage will boost your energy level tremendously.

Has a healing effect

This is perhaps the best known of the positive effects of a massage. It goes without saying that a massage can solve blockages in the neck, shoulder and back muscles. This healing power can be important for people who suffer from chronic back pain, for example, and for athletes who want to recover quickly after heavy physical exertion.

Care massages

Care massages are gentle, safe massages tailored to people with cancer, other chronic illnesses or stress-related conditions. Scientific research confirms that these massages provide deep relaxation and can reduce health complaints.